Project details
- Project Name : Tempa Rossa Oil & Gas treatment facilities
- Country: Italy
- Project Location Within Country: Corleto Perticara
- Name of Client: Tecnimont for Final Client: Total E&P Italia (Total Group)
- Start Date: May 2012
- Completion Date: September 2013
Project description:
The project foresees the implementation of the oil and gas treatment facilities at “Tempa Rossa” through a Engineering, Procurement, Supply, Construction and Commissioning Contract (€500 M) awarded to TECNIMONT, SOFREGAZ parent company.
It includes the main part of the “Tempa Rossa oil field” development project and also the central process facilities of the oil centre where 50,000 barrels per day (BOPD) of crude oil are treated & stabilized and the treatment of the associated gas and water, the LPG storage centre, the surface facilities on the well pads, the connections of the flowlines and pipelines with Snam Rete Gas and with Taranto Refinery pipeline.
SOFREGAZ scope of work:
SOFREGAZ has been involved at an early stage of the project and participated in:
- Process optimisation studies
- PID endorsement and development
- ProII and Hysis Simulations
- Equipment definition and sizing
- Flare study
- Water Seal Drum Design for LPG recovery on LPG flare
- Interlocks descriptions
- HAZOP reviews
- SOFREGAZ selected the flow assurance subcontractor and supervised flow assurancestudies
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