Project details
- Project Name: FEED for LNG Truck Loading station
- Country: France
- Project Location: Dunkerque (North of France)
- Name of Client: Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque with Dunkerque LNG and Air Liquide
- Start Date: January 2016
- Completion Date: December 2016
Project description
The project consists in the installation, within the perimeter of the Dunkerque LNG terminal, of a LNG truck loading station with the following characteristics:
- Loading bay : 1 (+2 additional in future) – design flow 90 m3/h
- Truck capacity: 40m3
- Frequency : max 10 trucks per day and per bay
- Each bay equipped with 2 loading arms, breakaway system, purging by nitrogen,
- Fully automated system for loading operations: trucks scheduling & management, access control, weighting (fiscal metering), truck filling,
The Dunkerque LNG terminal has been commissioned during the summer 2016. The station will have to be installed in a live operating terminal nearby an LNG tank with integration into existing systems.
Scope of work: Conceptual design and then FEED
- Process design
- Layout and connection to existing piping systems
- Civil & structural design
- Safety design, extension of fire fighting network, additional fire fighting means, fire & gas detectors,
- Electrical supply from existing panels
- Instrumentation and control, integration in LNG terminal Distributed Control System, Emergency Shutdown System, Fire & Gas System
- Management systems for truck filling operations; loading scheduling, access control for LNG trucks and drivers, weighting in and out, safety checks, automated filling sequence, editing bill of lading and invoice
- Regulatory studies for permitting (Environmental Impact Assessment, Hazard study, Lightning study)
- Cost estimate CAPEX & OPEX
- Implementation schedule
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